Red Wine Jus Duck

Ingredients (for 2ppl):
Main Ingredients:
- 2 duck breasts
- 100ml red wine
- 60ml chicken stock
- 1 bay leaf
- 2 tbsp red current jelly
- Squeeze of honey
- 1 orange
- 1/2 tsp flour
- Garlic
- Rosemary
Goes Well With:
- Roasted Potatoes
- Seasonal Vegetables
- Skillet
- Saucepan
Best if duck is brined (6-8 hours before)
Prepare (5min):
- Dry duck breasts and score skin
- Mix 60ml of chicken stock
- Put wine, red current jelly, honey, chicken stock, bayleaf, juice of 1 orange, salt, pepper into a saucepan
- Preheat oven to 180°
Cooking (20mins):
- Put the duck skin side down in a hot skillet with garlic and rosemary (4 mins)
- Meanwhile, bring wine sauce to a boil, then simmer
- Transfer duck to the oven (11 mins)
- Remove duck from oven and cover in foil and towel to rest (5 mins)
- Remove resemary from duck pan, squish garlic and fry (1 min)
- Add flour to pan and stir till bonded with the duck fat (1 min)
- Pour wine sauce into skillet and raise heat to reduce further, stir (3 mins)