Roast Duck

Ingredients (for 2ppl):
Main Ingredients:
- Gressingham whole duck
- 1 onion
- A sprig of rosemary
- Gressingham duck gibblets
- 1 small onion
- 1 celery stick
- 1 carrot
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 small glass of red wine
- 1/2 tablespoon of redcurrent jelly (optional)
Goes Well With:
- Roast Potatoes
- Seasonal Vegetables
- Baking tray with rack
Prepare (5min):
- Turn oven to 220° with fan
- Boil kettle with 1.5l of water
- Roughly chop up the giblets, neck, heart etc and onion, carrot and celery
- Prick the outside of the duck just through skin and fat with a needle, stuff with onion and rosemary
Cooking (115min):
- Add chopped vegetables to frying pan with a little oil over medium heat for 5 minutes
- Transfer to a saucepan, add bay leaf and 600ml of boiling water, simmer for 1.5h (while duck cooks)
- Add 500ml of boiling water under duck and put in oven for 20 minutes
- Base duck and then turn oven down to 180° with the fan and cook for a further 1h 10mins, base again during this time, also add water if it's drying out (until duck breast registers 57°)
- Take duck out, move to carving board and cover with foil and table cloth for 15 minutes
- Poor just the fat from the baking tray into a glass and keep but leave roasting juices in the baking tray
- Put over heat, add the red wine and redcurrent jelly, scrape all bits off the bottom of baking tray and stir
- Strain the stock saucepan and the baking tray juices into a clean saucepan, turn to high heat and reduce for 10 minutes